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Practice Areas

Conflict Resolution for Families

With our aging population, more individuals are dealing with infirmities of aging. Among the most challenging of these is the loss of memory, loss of cognitive ability or a reduction in the ability to do normal everyday things. Families are presented with difficult choices and frequently, adult children are called on to make decisions with or even for their parent. Some families deal well with the struggle, but others benefit from having a trained, neutral facilitator who understands the challenges of dealing with a parent with declining capabilities. With assistance, the family may prevent the crisis from escalating to a war. The mediator will assist the family with communications, sharing of values and interests, and clarification of options. The mediator supports the family as they make the necessary decisions.

Conflict Resolution for Families
Christian Conciliation


We live in a world where conflict surrounds us. The Bible establishes both fundamental principles and specific processes for resolution of conflicts. For parties who want to be obedient to Biblical guidance, several services are available. The trained conciliator will guide the parties through review of relevant Scripture, prayer, reflection and discussion. Although the parties may simply need to negotiate a settlement, the ultimate goal is to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and achieve reconciliation and restoration of relationships.


Services options:


Coaching – Consultation for someone who wants to approach a conflict with Christian teaching in mind. This is appropriate even when the other party will not cooperate. We are called to do the right thing whether our neighbor does or not.

Mediation – Assisting individual Christians, churches or businesses who want to be faithful to the guidance of scripture. The mediator will explore interests and options with the parties. The parties retain the right to make agreements as they are lead to do so.


Arbitration – Sometimes parties want to leave a decision to someone they trust. The conciliator can hear the points of view of each party, consult Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and provide direction if desired.


Teaching and Training – Churches or community groups can benefit from knowing how best to keep conflicts small. A variety of presentations are available and may be tailored to any group’s needs.

Christian Conciliation
Divorce Mediation

When a couple decides they have to split, they have to deal with property division, spousal support, time sharing with children and child support. These decisions normally require mediation. Some couples want to retain control of the process of dissolution of their marriage, but need help with the negotiation of details. The mediator can help them prepare the Settlement Agreement, with or without representation of an attorney.

Divorce Mediation
Dispute Negotiation
Dispute Negotiation


The mediator can help with a variety of disputes. That could include a dispute with a neighbor, a contractor, a landlord or someone who injured you. This mediation may be a part of a legal process, in anticipation of a legal filing, or in hopes of avoiding a formal legal process. The communications during mediation are confidential and the parties retain the right to agree or not agree to any conclusion.

© 2020 by Harmony Mediation

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